Heralth Brand Identity Guide

Heralth is an organization dedicated to offering comprehensive medical assistance during various events, including concerts, sports events, organized protests, and more. We provide highly skilled medical teams, equipped with advanced medical technology and ambulances, to deliver top-notch first aid services.

Logo concept

Since Heralth provides healthcare services in outdoor events, the pictogram is intended to serve as a reminder of a meeting point. The fusion of a heart, a smile, and the GPS symbol is perfect for this purpose.

The bold and rounded font is meant to be approachable and friendly.

Official colors
hex:  #C1272D
rgb:  193 / 39 / 45
hex:  #000000
rgb:  0 / 0 / 0
Logo Declinations
Safe area

Be sure to respect the safe area in order for the logo to be clearly visible. This area cannot be occupied but other elements.

Positive and Negative
Image Title